29 %% "It seems like every time I get into the tube, Mr. Garibaldi's there. It's like he *knows*." 'Talia, Mr. Garibaldi is many things, but he's not omniscient.' [Tube opens and Garibaldi is there.] "I think I'll take the stairs." 'I think I'll join you.' -- Talia Winters and Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "This doesn't worry you in the slightest?" 'On the contrary - it scares the hell out of me, but what better way to go out than in the cause of advancing scientific knowledge?' "Is this a multiple choice question? 'Cause I have some ideas..." -- Ivanova and Dr. Tasaki, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Your government stands to profit substantially from access to that sector. The jump gate fees are pocket change by comparison." 'Obviously, what I consider a tent, you consider a pocket.' -- Sinclair and Londo, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "What a pleasure it is to deal with someone reasonable. Negotiations are so much more enjoyable when certain individuals are not here to interfere." -- Londo, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "If the Narns all stood together in one place and hated all at the same time, that hatred could fly across dozens of light years and reduce Centauri Prime to a ball of ash. That's how much they hate *us*." 'You don't have to respond in kind.' "Of course we do. It is a natural law. Physics tells us that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. They hate us, we hate them, they hate us back and so, here we are, victims of mathematics." -- Londo and Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "He never listens." 'He will, sooner or later.' "How can you be sure?" 'Because the alternative is too terrible to consider. Without the hope that things will get better, that our inheritors will know a world that is fuller and richer than our own, life is pointless and evolution is vastly overrated.' -- Sinclair and Delenn (re: Londo), "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "The third principle of sentient life is the capacity for self-sacrifice, the conscious ability to override evolution and self-preservation for a cause, a friend, a loved one." -- Draal, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "The guerrillas, whose ancestors migrated to Mars from Earth over the past hundred years, have demanded independence for the Mars Colony or, and I quote, 'The sand will run red with Earther blood.'" -- Derek Mobotabwe, ISN News, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Terrible to see places I grew up going up in flames." -- Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "A curious answer from one who told me that a half-truth is the worst kind of lie." -- Delenn (to Draal), "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Our world is changing, Delenn. I'm not sure when it began to change: perhaps the war, perhaps the death of Dukaht, perhaps the darkness was there all along and we refused to see it." 'If you're referring to the growing division between the religious and military castes...' "That and more than that. There is a sense that we are lost, adrift. In the streets, in the temples, you can hear it in their voices, their manner: an anger just beneath the surface, a growing dissatisfaction, a self-involvement above the needs of others. It is not the same world in which I was born, Delenn. Not the same at all." -- Draal and Delenn, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Let me get this straight: I'm an Earth Force security officer, clearance level Ultra-Violet Alpha and *I'm* not considered authorized personnel?" -- Garibaldi, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Commander, what will you do if you find anything of value down there?" 'Hmm, the odds of that are pretty small. It's probably just an automated homing beacon left over from hundreds of years ago.' "Yes, but if it isn't, will you tell me?" 'No!' "Just making sure we know where we stand." -- Londo and Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Psi Corps' got an intelligence and training operation in Siria Planum." "How did you know about the center? That's supposed to be classified." "It is, but that's never stopped me before." -- Garibaldi and Talia, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I" %% "Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out. Babylon Control out. [Sigh] Civilians. [Looking up] Just kidding about the God part -- no offense." -- Susan Ivanova, "Voice in the Wilderness Part I" %% "Well, we don't know what other long range weapons might be down there so until we know more, I definitely consider it a threat to station security." 'Same here. It's also a potential first contact situation. I'd say we pretty much have to go down there and check it out. Wouldn't you agree Lieutenant Commander.' "Absolutely." -- Ivanova and Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Water. Fascinating. I never touch the stuff myself." -- Londo, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Mr. Garibaldi, whatever it is, it can't be that bad!" 'You try and kiss me and I'll break your arm.' "We're not that close, Mr. Garibaldi." -- Londo and Garibaldi, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "The next day, I woke up. I saw her in the light of day, sleeping against my arm and I decided I would rather chew off my arm than wake her up." 'Ohhh, that's sweet.' "Nooo, nooo. She had a voice that could curdle fresh milk. 'Londooo!' 'Yes, dear?' 'Londo!' 'Coming, my darling. I'll be right there, my love bug.'" -- Londo and Garibaldi, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Now, I go to spread happiness through the rest of the station. It is a terrible responsibility, but I have learned to live with it." -- Londo, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "The Free Mars movement has been growing for nearly a decade, but noone suspected they were this organized or this well armed." -- Psi Corps Rep (to Talia), "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Let's hope Osaki was right about that fissure being five miles deep." "Why?" "Because at our present speed, it's going to take at least two miles to decelerate. Assuming we don't hit anything on the way in." "It's a hell of a time to think of that!" -- Sinclair and Ivanova, "A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I" %% "Well, that'll cut down on tourism." -- Ivanova, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Commander..." 'Yeah?' "I think I've got to go to the bathroom." 'Tell me about it!' -- Ivanova and Sinclair, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Six thousand years of recorded history, a history that includes remarkable composers, astonishing symphonies, but what is the one song that half of them sing to their children generation after generation? You put your right hand in; you put your right hand out. You put your whole self in and you turn yourself about. You do the hokey-pokey; you give a little shout. That's...what it's all about. It doesn't mean anything. I have been studying it for seven days. I had the computer analyze it. I swear to you: it does not mean A THING!" -- Londo, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "I rather enjoyed the song." '*Don't* tell him.' "You're sure?" '*Trust* me.' -- Draal and Delenn, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "They're not happy about you knowing about the Center either." 'Yeah, well it's an imperfect Universe.' -- Talia (about Psi Corps) and Garibaldi, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "It's a Russian thing. When we're about to do something stupid, we like to catalog the full extent of out stupidity. For future reference." -- Ivanova, "A Voice in the Wilderness I" %% "Soon you will have forgotten all about your old friend Draal." 'Not if I live to be a thousand and one.' -- Draal and Delenn, "A Voice in the Wilderness I"